TITO SEIF is an internationally acclaimed Egyptian male oriental master instructor, dancer, choreographer and one of the top artist of the world. Born in Egypt, Tito Seif started to dance at the age of 14 learning folklore and then oriental. Within a very short period of time he became one of the biggest names in the Oriental Dance and a prominent, innovative and mesmerizing dancer and instructor worldwide. He has been dancing for 37 years and he has been teaching for 32 years. He tours the world to perform, to teach workshops, and to judge competitions for more than 40 countries including Germany, Spain, United States, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Italy, France, Switzerland, Latvia, Russia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Malasya, China, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Panamá, and more. Tito Seif has mastered various styles of Oriental dance including the classical oriental style “sharqi”, Egyptian Folklore,Nubian, Khaliji, shaabi, and Saidi. He is a gifted instructor with a special charisma and strong stage presence.His performances thrill the audience worldwide.
Tito Seif is the only dancer in the world who performs the “Asaya” dance using four canes, and he was the first dancer who performs on top of a darbuka, making both dances his signature performances. . In 2020,Tito Seif gave life to "Master Intensive Program" his Intensive Educational Dance Program in Cairo, Egypt. Master is a seven days intensive learning program with a complete curriculum of Oriental Dance designed by Tito, based on his teaching experience and the requirements of the students. Tito Seif continues teaching worldwide at festivals and events, including several festivals in Egypt,and private classes at his own studio.
TITO SEIF是國際知名的埃及男性東方大師導師、舞蹈家、編舞家和世界頂級藝術家之一。 Tito Seif 出生於埃及,14 歲開始學習舞蹈,後來學習了東方舞蹈。 在很短的時間內,他成為東方舞蹈界最知名的人物之一,也是全世界一位傑出、創新和令人著迷的舞蹈家和教練。 他從事舞蹈工作已有 37 年,並從事教學工作 32 年。
他周遊世界,在德國、西班牙、美國、加拿大、墨西哥、瑞典、意大利、法國、瑞士、拉脫維亞、俄羅斯、香港、韓國、日本等 40 多個國家進行表演、講授大師營並擔任比賽評委在馬來西亞、中國、澳大利亞、巴西、委內瑞拉、哥倫比亞、秘魯、智利、阿根廷、厄瓜多爾、墨西哥、巴拿馬等。
Tito Seif掌握了多種東方舞蹈風格,包括古典東方風格“Sharqi”、埃及民間舞蹈、努比亞舞蹈、Khaliji舞蹈、Shaabi舞蹈和Saidi舞蹈。 他是一位才華橫溢的大導師,具有特殊的魅力和強大的舞台表現力。 他的表演令全世界觀眾興奮不已。
Tito Seif 是世界上唯一一位使用四根手杖表演“Asaya”舞蹈的舞者,也是第一位在Darbuka 上表演的舞者,這兩種舞蹈都成為他的標誌性表演。
2020 年,Tito Seif 為他在埃及開羅舉辦的強化教育舞蹈項目“大師課程系統強化”注入了活力。 大師課程是為期7天的強化學習課程,由Tito根據自己的教學經驗和學生的要求設計了完整的東方舞課程。現今Tito Seif 也繼續在世界各地的節慶和活動中教學,包括埃及的幾個節慶,以及他自己工作室的私人課程。

MOHAMED SHAHIN is a world-renowned master instructor, performer and challenging choreographer of Egyptian Oriental & Folkloric Dance.
A native of Cairo Egypt, originally trained as a mechanical engineer, Shahin discovered his passion for Egyptian Dance at the young age of fifteen. He developed a complex methodology of instruction that has made him a Master teacher beloved to his students worldwide, today. Shahin currently lives in New York City but has been touring internationally full-time since 2004.
At Shahin’s workshops, students fall in love with his friendly personality and the level of perfectionism and fine attention to detail that sets him apart as an instructor of Egyptian dances.His explanations of technical breakdowns of the body isolations,movements,and combinations that make up his elaborate and challenging choreographies, Shahin’s talent and expertise have taken him around the world to teach workshops, perform and judge international dance competitions in major dance festivals in many countries throughout North America, South America,Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa,as well as
one of the founder,Co-organizer, Director & instructor of Annual RAQS, OF COURSE Egyptian dance festival Cleopatra Egyptian Dance Festival also Dance Like An Egyptian Course in Cairo - Egypt as well as organizer and owner of Annual NYCairo Raks Festival in New York City – USA. and
Shahin speaks Arabic, English & Russian that adds to his great array of skills and enables him to instruct students in these 3 languages. Shahin produced “Dance Like An Egyptian” instructional DVD series, they are great asset for those whom study Egyptian dance but are unable to attend Shahin’s workshops.
Shahin has 8 instructional DVDs on the market current, as well as producing Annually new music albums for bellyancers.
To learn more about Mohamed Shahin’s world, please visit his YouTube Channel
Shahin wishes to thank all those who support and inspire him on his journey in dance.
“If to dance is to dream, then you make dreams come true” – Mohamed Shahin
Mohamed Shahin是世界著名的埃及東方民俗舞蹈大師,表演者和具有挑戰性的舞蹈家。 Shahin原籍埃及開羅,最初是一名機械工程師,在十五歲時就發現了他對埃及舞蹈的熱情。他開發了一種複雜的教學方法,使他成為今天世界各地學生的摯愛老師。
Shahin目前居住在紐約市,但自2004年以來一直在全職巡迴演出。 在Shahin的工作室,學生們愛上了他友好的個性,完美主義的水平和對細節的精細關注,使他成為埃及舞蹈的指導者。 他對身體分隔,動作和組合的技巧解釋構成了他精心設計和挑戰性的編舞,Shahin的才華和專業知識使他在世界各地教授,在許多國家的主要舞蹈節上表演和評判國際舞蹈比賽遍布北美,南美,歐洲,澳大利亞,亞洲和非洲
他是開羅埃及舞蹈節每年度RAQS OF COURSE 的創始人,協辦單位,活動策畫和大師之一, 近期創辦Cleoparta埃及東方舞國際舞蹈節和Dance Like An Egyptian Week創始人 , 紐約 - 美國每年NYCairo Raks節的主辦方和擁有者。
Shahin說阿拉伯語,英語和俄語,增加了他的各種技能,使他能夠用這3種語言指導學生。 Shahin製作了“Dance Like An Egyptian”教學DVD系列,對於那些學習埃及舞蹈但無法參加Shahin的工作坊的人來說,它們是很有用的資產。 Shahin目前市場上有8張教學DVD,以及為肚皮製作年度新的音樂專輯。 要了解有關Mohamed Shahin的更多信息,請點閱他的YouTube頻道 他希望感謝所有支持和啟發他的舞蹈之旅的人。
“如果跳舞是為了夢想,那麼你就會讓夢想成真” - Mohamed Shahin

ALIDA LIN developed her own unique style and feel for the dance that is considered by many to be most authentic and expressive after she had studied Oriental Dance with many master teachers from all over the world, This journey led Alida to be considered one of the most famous Taiwanese Oriental dancer/Bellydancer. In Addition to her extensive training and performing in dance and Oriental dance, Alida is an accomplished musician who has trained and played several instruments such as Piano, Harmonica, accordion, Saggat, flute and tabla as well. This gives Alida a refined musical ability to hear the music and gives her an edge when dancing. Alida is the proud Founder and producer of Raqs Taiwan International Oriental Festival in New Taipei City Taiwan, where she hosts many internationally
acclaimed master teachers from all over the world.
Here are some of Alida most notable accomplishments:
First place winner, in 2011 Beijing World Bellydance.
First place winner, in 2015 Raqs Of Course , Cairo Egypt
First place winner, in 2016 Orental El Hob Professional Solo in Bulgaria
After some of her wins Alida was noticed and became one of the most respected and internationally acclaimed dancer/ teacher today. She was invited to teach and judge International Competitions all over the world, here are some of the cities and countries that she was invited to: France, Italy ,Bulgaria ,Chicago , NYC, Ukraine ,Japan, Hong Kong, China, Switzerland, Korea Singapore, Dubai , Brazil, Canada and most importantly Cairo, Egypt. Raqs Of Course Festival Invited to give master classes and performances and now at Cleopatra Egyptian Dance Festival to teach master classes and performances and competition judging
Alida Lin is available for hire to teach and/or perform anywhere in the world.
ALIDA LIN在與許多來自世界各地的高級教師學習了東方舞之後, 開發了自己獨特的風格和感受,被許多人認為是最真實和最具表現力的舞蹈。這一學習的道路轉變至今被認為是最著名的台灣東方舞蹈家之一。
Alida是RAQS TAIWAN國際東方舞藝術嘉年華的創始人,她在這裡舉辦了來自世界各地的許多國際知名大師。
2011年北京世界國際肚皮舞節-職業個人現代東方舞 第一名
埃及2015 Raqs Of Course 總冠軍
保加利亞2016 Orental El Hob Professional Solo 總冠軍
在她獲得了一些勝利後,Alida 被注意到,並成為今天最受尊敬的國際知名舞蹈家/教師之一。她受邀在世界各地教授和評判國際比賽,下面是她受邀參加的一些城市和國家:法國,意大利,保加利亞,芝加哥, 紐約,美國,烏克蘭,日本,香港,中國,瑞士,韓國,新加坡,迪拜,巴西,加拿大,最重要的是埃及開羅。Raqs Of Course Festival 受邀傳授大師課程和演出以及現今在Cleopatra Egyptian Dance Festival 傳授大師課程演出以及比賽評判
Alida Lin已經獲得認同可在世界各地授課教學演出